NSDF Package

nsdf Package


NSDF (Neuroscience Simulation Data Format) is a file format built on top of HDF5.

Although the design and development started with the aim of storing data generated from simulations in computational neuroscience, this format is generic enough that any time series data should fit in. Thus the actual application can be much broader than simulations in neuroscience.

There are three top level groups in an NSDF file: model, data and map for storing information about the model (computational model of a neuron, the human brain, model of the world, etc.), data collected from model components and the mapping between the data and its source (model component) respectively.


NSDF stores the data collected from a model under the /data group. Data is organized into four subgroups:

uniform: Time series data that has been sampled with a uniform
sampling interval. This is the case for simulations that use fixed time step for integration. In this case the sampling interval dt and the start time is enough to determine the sampling time of any data point unambiguously.
nonuniform: Time series data that has been sampled with irregular

sampling interval. In this case sampling time for each data point must be explicitly stored. This is the case for simulations using variable time step inetgration methods, like cvode.

There can be several scenarios under nonuniform sampling.

  1. simultaneous sampling: Although the sampling intervals are

    different, all data sources are sampled simultaneously. Thus the length of data from each source is same and data points with the same index have the same sampling time. In this case, data from an entire population of data sources can be put together in a homogeneous 2D dataset and the share the sampling times.

    This is the case when the CVODE solver is global for a simulation.

    This is represented by the dialect nsdf.dialect.NUREGULAR.

  2. independent sampling: In a more general case, the data should

    be sampled more densely when the variable is changing fast and sparsely when the rate of change is slow. If the data sources are independent of each other, they may be sampled at different time points. Thus data recorded for a fixed duration will of different length for different sources.

    In this case data from a population of sources can be stored as:

    1. individual 1D datasets under a common group.

      nsdf.dialect.ONED represents this case

    2. 2D vlen(variable length) dataset which represents a ragged array with each row having a different number of columns.

      This is represented by nsdf.dialect.VLEN

    3. 2D dataset with NaN padding such that all rows have same number of columns.

      This is represented by nsdf.dialect.NANPADDED.

event: Data points represent event times. Spike time data is the most

common example in neuroscience. Similar to nonunform data, event times data from different sources are of different length. Thus they, too, can be stored in three different ways.

  1. individual 1D datasets under a common group.

    nsdf.dialect.ONED represents this case

  2. 2D vlen(variable length) dataset which represents a ragged array with each row having a different number of columns.

    This is represented by nsdf.dialect.VLEN.

  3. 2D dataset with NaN padding such that all rows have same number of columns.

    This is represented by nsdf.dialect.NANPADDED.

static: In addition to time series or temporal data, components in a
model can have static data associated with them. These are stored under the static group.


The model group stores information about the model of the system from which data has been collected. This is relatively free form since different fields use different ways of describing the model. Within computational neuroscience there are multiple standards for model description. NSDF specification provides some containers for storing model description and one hierarchical structure that can be immediately useful for data analysis and visualization tools in neuroscience.

filecontents: This group can have a hierarchical structure underneath
mapping the directory tree used for the model. Complex models are often organized in a directory tree and this maps nicely to the hieararchical structure in HDF5, where Groups can represent directories and Datasets can represent files. The contents of the files can be stored as strings or binary objects in the Datasets.
filerefs: This group can store datasets containing the paths of
external model files. The disadvantage being that the model has to be distributed separately from the data.
links: This group can store links to external model definitions in
other HDF5 files.
modeltree: This group stores a tree structure representing

hierarchical models. NSDF provides mechanisms for efficient linking between the model components represented by the nodes of this tree with the data.

Each node in this tree is a Group with a uid attribute storing the unique identifier of the model component. There can be other attributes added by the user. One special attribute is ontology meant for storing the ontological term for this component.


Mapping between data and its source is stored under the /map group. Like /data, it has the subgroups uniform, nonuniform, event and static which store the mapping between the datasets under corresponding subgroups of /data and the model components.

For all datasets except event and nonuniform data stored in 1D datasets, the uid of a population of sources are stored as a dataset under the corresponding group and linked to the datasets recorded from these as a HDF5 DimensionScale (DS). Multiple variables recorded from the same source population share this dimension scale. The rows in the population DS have one to one correspondence with the rows in the datasets.

For 1D datasets, a 2 column dataset is created for each population for each recorded variable. The first column is source and stores the uid of the source component and the second column is data which stores the reference to the 1D dataset collected from this source.

Note on namespace

The nsdf package is organized into constants Module, nsdfdata Module, model Module, nsdfwriter Module and util Module submodules. However all their contents are directly accessible under the nsdf namespace. Thus, instead of nsdf.nsdfwriter.NSDFWriter you should use nsdf.NSDFWriter.